Friday, July 4, 2014


I know it has been long and long since I have really written anything here. There has been quite a bit going on. Some good, some bad. We moved into a new place with more rooms, so Sir and I finally have a room of our own sans children. The change in Sir has been...unsatisfying. With the move, the toilet training of my son, homeschooling and all of the transitions going on at present, I have been forced to play a predominantly Dominant role. It's not something I'm pleased with, but something I have to deal with. I miss my submissive side and I truely miss my Dominant man. Such is the ebb and flow of any relationship where trust is gained and lost and regained. For now, I'm trying to focus in finding at home work, so that I can be here to home school my children and strike a new balance. Wish me luck. Wish me love. Wish me MONEY*chuckles*

Also, as I am a homeschooling Mom, if your child is having trouble, this is a great book to help your children learn to read: 1CHILDREAD

Love to all and sexy days and nights,

Bliss xoxo

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Annoyingly Vanilla

Such a long absence from blogging and honestly, not much to report. We are still struggling to purchase a house and get out of Our falling apart apartment, Sir is still working 2 jobs and the children are growing up quickly. Our kink has taken a back seat for many months now. I have not felt the sweet sting of the crop across my back side in so long...Nor the commanding tone of voice that sends shivers straight to my sexual center. The voice and hands that steady me when I am drifting and lost.
It is mainly stress that's doing it, I think...but I tire of taking on the dominant role so much. There are times when I want to put my hand around Sir's throat and scream at Him to Dom up already! But, I don't. I just hand Him His supper and rub His shoulders and hope He remembers that this little sub/ masochist has needs it is up to Him to fill if our relationship is to deepen and grow. I love Him and I will serve Him no matter what, but I can't stop these selfish thoughts (you know the ones)...The what about me? thoughts. How do I get around them and express my deep need to have my submission fully awakened again without being rude or presumptuous? How do I take my love from being the tired husband, to my smoothly confident Sir?
Any advice would be great. I miss Him so much and I'm sure, deep down, He misses me to...His bliss, His little doll, His lolita.